We have developed a graphic description of how EIMG interacts with EASA, National Authorities and many other organisations to maximise the degree of influence it has in pursuing its aim to improve the general welfare and technical interests of European MRO’s as a whole, but particularly those within the Group. Here it should be noted that EIMG is the ONLY Independent MRO representative group at EAB and SSCC.
EIMG Stratgy
Aims of the Group
Improving general welfare and technical interests of European MRO’s particularly those within the Group.
To foster a relationship with the regulatory agencies, manufacturers and other applicable aviation bodies including the Authorities.
To promote such activities as may be in the common interest of the Group’s members.
To exchange information of mutual interest that does not infringe on business interests.
To identify industry related problems which affect the operation and maintenance of Group members businesses and, where applicable, promote discussion with appropriate bodies in order to achieve a speedy and satisfactory solution or improvement.
To influence EASA through a seat at the EASA Advisory Board (EAB).
To influence Rule changes through a seat at the SSCC.
To participate in working groups to determine rule changes.
The new season is a great reason to make and keep resolutions. Whether it’s eating right or cleaning out the garage, here are some tips for making and keeping resolutions.