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EIMG Constitution

Aims of the Group

  • Improving general welfare and technical interests of European MRO’s particularly those within the Group.
  • To foster a relationship with the regulatory agencies, manufacturers and other applicable aviation bodies including the Authorities.
  • To promote such activities as may be in the common interest of the Group’s members.
  • To exchange information of mutual interest that does not infringe on business interests.
  • To identify industry related problems which affect the operation and maintenance of Group members businesses and, where applicable, promote discussion with appropriate bodies in order to achieve a speedy and satisfactory solution or improvement.
  • To influence EASA through a seat at the EASA Advisory Board (EAB).
  • To influence Rule changes through a seat at the SSCC.
  • To participate in working groups to determine rule changes.


Full members may be accepted from European EASA Part- 145 Approved Organisations or relevant associations subject to the following:
  • They are primarily involved with the maintenance and release of commercial type aircraft, engines or components.
  • They are operating commercially independent of airlines.
  • They are based within the European Countries.
  • They pay the annual membership fee.
It will be the aim of the group that the majority of members will be formed from Part 145 approved organisations.

Associate members may be accepted from EASA Part-145 or similar status companies or associations who fulfill the main criteria but for some reason are unable to meet all conditions but who the Group may accept as members as beneficial to the Group as a whole. Maintenance Training organisations approved by EASA under Part 147 may also be considered for Associate Membership providing such organisation be independent and conduct aircraft engineer & aircraft Maintenance Organisation required training as its sole business.

It is acceptable for members to move from one category of membership to the other if their corporate status changes thus rendering them eligible for the alternate membership category.

Associate members do not pay the annual membership fee, do not attend meetings unless invited for a particular reason by a full member, but will receive copies of minutes and other circulars as from time to time approved.

Applicant Members – Prospective members may make an application for either Full or Associate membership through any existing Full member, all such applications will be passed in writing to the Secretary who will raise any nomination at the next Group meeting. For any applicant to be accepted, a Full member majority agreement is required. The Secretary will notify the applicant accordingly.

Fees for full membership will be advised to applicants by the Group.

Operation of the Group

The Group will act through the appointed representative (Member) of each member company.

Policy and major decisions will be made in meetings of the Group while administrative matters may be decided by one or more members of the committee. Group decisions on position and policy are usually made by a consensus reached at formal Group meetings. Should consensus be difficult to reach, if necessary and agreed to be in the interests of the Group, the Chairperson of the meeting may call for a vote by the Full members present.


The committee will consist of a Chairperson, Secretary and three additional members who will be appointed to act as Vice-Chairmen x 2 and Treasurer. The committee members will be appointed by a vote of the full membership.

It shall be the aim of the Group to so organise the committee that elected officers will be from full member companies who are based within European countries. Election of officers for the group will take place as and when necessary. No mandatory period applies. In the event that the Secretary is unable to attend, one of the Vice Chairmen will fulfill the role. The positions of committee members shall be voluntary and unpaid. Additional members may be asked to undertake particular tasks or projects by the committee from time to time, in the event, such specific task/project groups may co-opt the assistance and services of specialists and experts from outside of the Group Membership where so-needed.

Meetings & Membership Activities

The Group conducts its primary business and gains its chief benefits through attendance at, and interchange between members at quarterly meetings. Additionally, supporting this interchange, communications of information and material of common interest to the Group is freely passed between individual members and the Group as a whole using the facilities of the secretariat. All members are encouraged to actively participate in this interchange and communication.

All members are expected to attend meetings and in the event that the nominated member representative is not available a deputy should be appointed. Such deputies where personally nominated by the member will be accorded any voting right at the meeting that would normally be accorded to the member.

The Group expects all members to play an active part in proceedings.

As a general rule, meetings shall be cancelled if, ten days prior to the meeting, less than seven Members have confirmed their or their deputy’s attendance. In special cases, if the circumstances so warrant, the Secretary in consultation with the Chairperson may observe a shorter period before cancellation.

In case of cancellation, the Secretary will co-ordinate a new meeting date with the Committee. If at the second date again less than seven Members register for attendance, the meeting shall continue as planned, irrespective of attendance.

Members are to inform the Secretary about any changes in their addresses and phone/fax/e-mail.

  • The Chairperson will run meetings except that a Vice-Chairperson may be appointed in his absence.
  • The Secretary will keep the minutes and other formal records of the Group.
  • Meetings are held at member’s facilities and each member is expected to undertake the administrative cost of this as part of his contribution to the Group. The meetings will rotate through members’ facilities in such a manner as to minimise the cost to
  • any one member and to maximise the value to all members.
  • All members are encouraged to forward items for the agenda prior to meetings and
  • any reasonable topic will be discussed even if related to national or local issues.
  • Matters discussed at meetings may be treated as commercially confidential if
  • members so advise in which case the minutes will exclude such matters.
  • Items discussed are not limited to those aims listed above.

Membership Fees

It is within the jurisdiction of the committee to recommend to members an intention to vary the charge for membership. Such recommendation would only be made in the event that it is unavoidable and in any event six month’s notice would be given of such change.
The imposition of membership fee variation would require the agreement of two thirds of the full membership prior to its variation.
Such membership fees would be used to cover costs associated with:

  • Attendance with regulators
  • Marketing

Ad Hoc Fees, Charges and Expenses & Donations

The elected Treasurer will manage the raising and disbursement of any financial funding so made, produce financial accounting reports at least annually to the satisfaction of the members and in accordance with accepted accounting practices.

Relationship with other Organisations

Members are encouraged to indicate their membership of the Group and actively promote the work and interests of the Group in dealings with other organisations.

It is expected that members will use Group headed logo when acting on behalf of the Group. However, all communications which are intended to express the position, policy or opinion of the Group as a whole must be issued through the Chairperson via the secretariat.

More EIMG Membership News
By Matthew Feehan August 20, 2019
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